1.) Exact in game name: Rajawali / wasani
2.) Exact USGN Name: xXrajawaliXx
3.) Exact USGN ID: 156189
4.) Gender: Male.
5.) Age: 14.
6.) Servers you Moderated: DR # Servers (Forum Moderator, Moderator2), JAF servers (Developer).
7.) Servers you hosted: No servers.
8.) How can you help: To prevent [SP] from rule violators and teach newbies of course.
9.) Why do you think you fit for that position: Because I am enough mature to moderate this server, and I am not abusive or heavy player.
10.) What server are you applying for: [SP] CityLife.
11.) What grade are you applying for: VIP.
12.) What is your current grade: User.
13.) Something about yourself: I am from Indonesia, I like online games especially action ones.
14.) Will you abuse your power? Of course I will use my power rightly.
15.) Did you read all of the rules? Yes.
16.) How much is 9+10? 19, I am not a robot.
17.) More: I don't know what is this..
18.) Is gaylord ga-y? Yes, why?
19.) How ga-y is gaylord from 10 to 10? 10/10
20.) Describe how ga-y is gaylord in a minimum of 15 words: Gaylord is g*y because he's the lord of g*y and so on.
2.) Exact USGN Name: xXrajawaliXx
3.) Exact USGN ID: 156189
4.) Gender: Male.
5.) Age: 14.
6.) Servers you Moderated: DR # Servers (Forum Moderator, Moderator2), JAF servers (Developer).
7.) Servers you hosted: No servers.
8.) How can you help: To prevent [SP] from rule violators and teach newbies of course.
9.) Why do you think you fit for that position: Because I am enough mature to moderate this server, and I am not abusive or heavy player.
10.) What server are you applying for: [SP] CityLife.
11.) What grade are you applying for: VIP.
12.) What is your current grade: User.
13.) Something about yourself: I am from Indonesia, I like online games especially action ones.
14.) Will you abuse your power? Of course I will use my power rightly.
15.) Did you read all of the rules? Yes.
16.) How much is 9+10? 19, I am not a robot.
17.) More: I don't know what is this..
18.) Is gaylord ga-y? Yes, why?
19.) How ga-y is gaylord from 10 to 10? 10/10
20.) Describe how ga-y is gaylord in a minimum of 15 words: Gaylord is g*y because he's the lord of g*y and so on.
19/12/2020, 17:55 by Se7en
» BIHF - Alpha 0.3
17/6/2017, 23:14 by Se7en
» BIHF - Alpha 0.2
17/6/2017, 23:08 by Se7en
» BIHF - Alpha 0.1
17/6/2017, 23:04 by Se7en
» Miri - End of Project
17/6/2017, 22:56 by Se7en
» [Rejected] Apply For Admin in Reloplay
8/6/2017, 17:26 by Se7en
» [Rejected] -*W@L1D*- Application for MOD at RolePl
7/6/2017, 18:14 by Se7en
» [Rejected] scr's application
7/6/2017, 18:13 by Se7en
» LessFrogIsGay
7/6/2017, 18:10 by Se7en