Exact IGN: Baewolf
Exact USGN Name: Baewolf
Exact USGN ID: 60247
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Servers you Moderated: PH | Citylife and Extc public (i was a member of the clan)
Servers you hosted: PH | Citylife
How can you help: I can help people who are new and warn hackers then kick them.
Why do you think you fit for that position: Because i would like to help the server and community by being a good Moderator by kicking hackers. I would warn them 3 times and if they don't follow the rules i would kick them.
What server are you applying for: vC | Roleplay
What grade are you applying for: Moderator
Something about yourself: I like playing at Roleplay servers because to me it's fun. I'm an active player. I can play for at least 2 - 4 hours a day.
More: I'm re-applying because Cookie said that applying to be admin is too much for me so i'll start from being a Moderator and hopefully get promoted.
Exact USGN Name: Baewolf
Exact USGN ID: 60247
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Servers you Moderated: PH | Citylife and Extc public (i was a member of the clan)
Servers you hosted: PH | Citylife
How can you help: I can help people who are new and warn hackers then kick them.
Why do you think you fit for that position: Because i would like to help the server and community by being a good Moderator by kicking hackers. I would warn them 3 times and if they don't follow the rules i would kick them.
What server are you applying for: vC | Roleplay
What grade are you applying for: Moderator
Something about yourself: I like playing at Roleplay servers because to me it's fun. I'm an active player. I can play for at least 2 - 4 hours a day.
More: I'm re-applying because Cookie said that applying to be admin is too much for me so i'll start from being a Moderator and hopefully get promoted.
19/12/2020, 17:55 by Se7en
» BIHF - Alpha 0.3
17/6/2017, 23:14 by Se7en
» BIHF - Alpha 0.2
17/6/2017, 23:08 by Se7en
» BIHF - Alpha 0.1
17/6/2017, 23:04 by Se7en
» Miri - End of Project
17/6/2017, 22:56 by Se7en
» [Rejected] Apply For Admin in Reloplay
8/6/2017, 17:26 by Se7en
» [Rejected] -*W@L1D*- Application for MOD at RolePl
7/6/2017, 18:14 by Se7en
» [Rejected] scr's application
7/6/2017, 18:13 by Se7en
» LessFrogIsGay
7/6/2017, 18:10 by Se7en