Exact in game name: Baewolf
Exact USGN Name: martz2d
Exact USGN ID: 60247
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Servers you moderated: [SP] Roleplay & Martz | Citylife
Servers you hosted: Martz | Citylife
How can you help: I can help by guiding new players on how to play on the server.
Why do you think you fit for that position: I'm mature enough and I've been on this clan/community since 2015. I'm also active on the server. I'll be there if a player has questions.
What server are you applying for: [SP] Terraria RPG
What grade are you applying for: Since there's no Mod.. Admin I guess.
What is your current grade: Adventurer
Something about yourself: I've been in the CS:2D Community since 2011. I love to listen to chill.
Will you abuse your power? No.
Did you read all of the rules? Yes.
How much is 9+10? 19
More: I'm currently level 46
Is gaylord ga-y? Somehow
How ga-y is gaylord from 10 to 10? 9/10
Describe how ga-y is gaylord in a minimum of 15 words: Gaylord is so *** that he even gave me aids. After that we became close friends.
Create an essay about gaylord and why is he *** in a minimum of 500 words: Oh wow rip.
Insult Twitter: The only place where Twitter was invited was outside.
Exact USGN Name: martz2d
Exact USGN ID: 60247
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Servers you moderated: [SP] Roleplay & Martz | Citylife
Servers you hosted: Martz | Citylife
How can you help: I can help by guiding new players on how to play on the server.
Why do you think you fit for that position: I'm mature enough and I've been on this clan/community since 2015. I'm also active on the server. I'll be there if a player has questions.
What server are you applying for: [SP] Terraria RPG
What grade are you applying for: Since there's no Mod.. Admin I guess.
What is your current grade: Adventurer
Something about yourself: I've been in the CS:2D Community since 2011. I love to listen to chill.
Will you abuse your power? No.
Did you read all of the rules? Yes.
How much is 9+10? 19
More: I'm currently level 46
Is gaylord ga-y? Somehow
How ga-y is gaylord from 10 to 10? 9/10
Describe how ga-y is gaylord in a minimum of 15 words: Gaylord is so *** that he even gave me aids. After that we became close friends.
Create an essay about gaylord and why is he *** in a minimum of 500 words: Oh wow rip.
Insult Twitter: The only place where Twitter was invited was outside.
19/12/2020, 17:55 by Se7en
» BIHF - Alpha 0.3
17/6/2017, 23:14 by Se7en
» BIHF - Alpha 0.2
17/6/2017, 23:08 by Se7en
» BIHF - Alpha 0.1
17/6/2017, 23:04 by Se7en
» Miri - End of Project
17/6/2017, 22:56 by Se7en
» [Rejected] Apply For Admin in Reloplay
8/6/2017, 17:26 by Se7en
» [Rejected] -*W@L1D*- Application for MOD at RolePl
7/6/2017, 18:14 by Se7en
» [Rejected] scr's application
7/6/2017, 18:13 by Se7en
» LessFrogIsGay
7/6/2017, 18:10 by Se7en